In celebrating their 30th Anniversary, the Padron’s released this extremely limited production cigar which is made from the top tobacco harvested from their Nicaraguan farms.
The Padron Anniversary lines are among the rarest and hardest to find cigars in the world. As one of the largest boutique cigar makers, the Padron family has an uncompromising commitment to quality, limiting their cigar production each year. The Anniversary series represents the top tobacco from each years crop.
The Padron 1964 Anniversary is boxed pressed and has a medium to full body with rich complex aromas. It debuted in 1994 to commemorate the companies 30th year in business. The finish on these cigars is long and the most unique aspect of the cigar is its balance. While so many flavors populate the palate, each is distinctly definable as the cigar changes from the moment you light it up to the moment you put it down. Hailed as the best and smoked by those who enjoy only the finest cigars, Padron is the perfect option for everyone’s humidor.
* Available in our store..please dropby to our nearest shop
Kamelah Tobacco House @ Melia Hotel & One Utama Shopping Mall.
or contact our sales person:
Ms.Akma Omar 012 296 4949.